Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Outfit: Give Me Space

This outfit is one of my new favorites because I found the top and shorts in Portland, my favorite city! I took these at a friend's house while waiting on film to get developed. I still feel really awkward taking pictures in front of people, hence the awkward poses. It especially doesn't help to feel eyes staring from the other room! Haha.

I love these shorts so much. They're so flattering on my hips, but a little on the short side, so I've started wearing them with tights. I see all these bloggers with perfectly kempt tights, but realistically I cannot wear them more than two or three times before they get runs. And it's all downhill from there. My mom doesn't approve of them (hey mom!) but I kind of like the raggedy look anyway!

outfit details
top: H&M, thrifted
shorts: TopShop, thrifted
tights: Target
shoes: Urban Outfitters


  1. I can never keep tights well either. I end up photoshopping some runs, or carefully placing them. Tights are the worst - they are fairly expensive for like 2-3 wears you get from them.

    And I LOVE those shorts! they are adorable.

    1. Good idea! I don't think these are photoshop-able haha. I always get the cheap tights from Target for no more than $5. Sometimes I get the urge to buy super cute ones but being so cheap, it's never worth it in the end. :)

  2. I don't wear them often but when I do, they look like yours lol

  3. super cute outfit; I think the runs adds flair to it. :) Ah, and lovin' your thigh tattoo. Pretty sure my next one is going in a similar spot; can't wait!

    1. The guy I got it from is really heavy handed, but it was definitely one of the most painful ones I've gotten! Other than fingers, THAT'S the worst!

  4. I love that outfit too! The shirt is awesome and the shorts really are flattering. I know what you mean about tights though. I freaking love tights, but I just always end up getting runs in mine. I took one pair of brand new tights with me on vacation and by the end of the week they were completely full of runs!

  5. I always ruin tights too. I had these gorgeous spotty tights that I only got to wear once because they got shredded in the wash. Boo. I try and only buy thick tights normally to make them last longer.

  6. I am the same with tights, they always get ruined! I like the shabby chic look anyway, these shorts look great teamed with laddered tights!


